Physiotherapy aims to restore or maintain health for people affected by injury, illness, disability or post-operatively. It is an evidence-based profession. Physiotherapists will assess the affected part of the body but also consider the person as a whole in their approach to rehabilitation. Your involvement in your care is important. Physiotherapists may use techniques such as manual therapy, massage, acupuncture, electrotherapy and exercise to improve pain, decrease stiffness, reduce inflammation, decrease muscle tension, and promote the healing process.
Acupuncture can be used to treat a wide range of health conditions and is generally very safe.
Within Physiotherapy, acupuncture is a successful treatment for musculoskeletal conditions such as headache, back pain and osteoarthritis, sciatica, tennis elbow and long-standing painful conditions.
Acupuncture is thought to work by stimulating nerves and muscle tissue which can positively affect pain, inflammation and the healing process.
Currently the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommend acupuncture as a treatment for low back pain on the basis of scientific evidence.
The practice of ‘dry needling’ involves inserting an acupuncture needle into a trigger point and is typically used to treat the pain associated with injuries. A trigger point is a tender spot in a tight band of muscle which causes pain when pressed or squeezed and works in a similar way to acupuncture.
Physiotherapists are in a unique position being able to combine acupuncture with other beneficial treatment methods such as manual therapy and exercise.
Charlotte practices acupuncture as a full member of the
Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP) who have a strict code of practice to help ensure safe and effective treatment.
Massage therapy is the manual manipulation of the soft tissues (deep and superficial muscles, fascia, ligaments, tendons and skin). The benefits of massage include improved circulation, reduction of swelling, muscle relaxation, improved mobility of stiff joints, improve digestion, reduce fatigue, promotion of healing and reduced tension. The techniques used can be varied and tailored to your specific needs. Massage can be used to complement physiotherapy treatment and to prepare or recover from sporting activity.
Pilates is a body conditioning method of exercise developed by Joseph Pilates. By improving the strength of the deeper ‘core’ muscles, the body is rebalanced and postural alignment is improved. This approach to strengthening and lengthening the muscles is slow and controlled.
Pilates is suitable for anyone at any level of fitness. It can help to improve posture and balance, improve your flexibility and stability and strengthen and tone muscles. It is also a great stress reliever so improving overall health. It is recommended by physiotherapists for any injury needing rehabilitation, especially those suffering from back or neck pain but is equally suitable for those who wish to improve their general well being.
Charlotte has been trained as an APPI (Australian Physiotherapy & Pilates Institute) instructor and has been teaching Pilates for over 10 years.
Suitable for those who are new to Pilates or would like a more specific input with corrective instruction and progression.
A personalised care package can be put together to maximize your wellbeing during your pregnancy. This might include acupuncture, massage, women’s health care, 1:1 Pilates/exercise programme with appointments as often as you require. Please discuss at your initial/assessment appointment.
A home physiotherapy treatment visit for those who may have difficulty travelling to the clinic or who are not able to access the clinic during opening hours can be arranged. We provide treatment in your home at your convenience, for problems that may include decreased mobility after operations, such as knee or hip replacement, acute back pain or home Pilates. All services that are available at Pools on the Park are transferable to your home. For more information please contact Charlotte on 07970 270 797.
Therapeutic ultrasound is a modality that has been used by physiotherapists since the 1940s. Ultrasound is applied using the head of an ultrasound probe that is placed in direct contact with your skin via a transmission coupling gel.
Therapeutic ultrasound has been shown to cause increases in:
• healing rates
• tissue relaxation
• tissue heating
• local blood flow
• scar tissue breakdown.
The effect of ultrasound via an increase in local blood flow can be used to help reduce local swelling and chronic inflammation, and, according to some studies, promote bone fracture healing. The most common conditions treated with ultrasound include soft tissue injuries such as tendonitis (tendinopathy), non-acute joint swelling and muscle spasm. Most muscle and ligament injuries can benefit from therapeutic ultrasound.
Ultrasound works by creating waves that pass through the skin to cause a vibration of the local soft tissues. This vibration or cavitation can cause a deep heating locally though usually no sensation of heat will be felt by the patient.
Therapeutic ultrasound is very unlikely to cause any adverse effects and all treatment is carried out within specific operating criteria according to the area/type of injury and contraindications/precautions to treatment. Please consult your physiotherapist for their expert opinion on the best use of therapeutic ultrasound and your injury.